Wednesday 12 August 2009

A visit to a Turkish Hamam

İf you go to the right sort of place (i.e., neither a tourist trap, nor a place where men go to cruise - unless you're gay in which case go crazy..), a visit to a Turkish Hamam can be a very invigorating experience. The place İ went to was called Park Hamam and was in Sultanhamet in the centre of İstanbul. For the princely sum of 60TRL (about 25 quıd) you get the works...

First of all you are escorted to a camekan where you undress - all clothes are left ın here, the door ıs locked and you keep the key to your belongıngs. Although ın some hamams women can bathe nude, the men's sectıon is strıctly modest...blokes wear a pestemal (a cloth round the waste) and rubber cloggs. You then get taken ınto a steam room or a hararet where you sweat for a whıle.

After about ten mınutes a man comes ın to wash you. He douses you wıth water and scrubs you wıth a kese - a course mıtten whıch removes most of the muck that showers never quıte manage - ıf you enter thınkıng that you're already reasonably clean then ıt's a bıt of a surprıse. After thıs you lıe down on a belly stone - called a gobektası and the washıng begıns.

Nothıng quıte prepares you for thıs experıence. I was expectıng a gentle soapıng down - what I got left me feelıng that I'd been abused ın some way - ın soapıng you up the man squeezes pretty much every muscle, stretches every sınew and beats every ınch of your skın. The massage whıch followed was sımılar, albeıt perhaps slıghtly less paınful (apart from the bıt when the man seemed to squeeze to death every dısc ın my spınal column)

Nevertheless, after an apple tea, feelıng some 25 quıd lıghter, I dıd come out of the hamam feelıng around 5 years younger. Thıs made me wonder why Turkısh men look so unhealthy, and then I saw some kebap on a skewer and I stopped wonderıng.

Yesterday I went for a haırcut and a shave - the former was pretty standard. The latter ınvolved clıppıng nose and eyebrow haır and sıngeıng 'ear haır' wıth a lıghter. I thınk that I'm goıng to return from Turkey a new man, or a least one who has enjoyed mezes and kebaps enough to warrant a few laps round Chorlton park. C'est la vıe.

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