Monday 20 April 2009

Happy Birthday

I have just noticed that this is my first anniversary as a member of the blogging community. Despite my paltry efforts (38 posts in 365 days), I'm glad that I've been able to communicate some of my musings in this way. Some have been, admittedly, rather inconsequential; others a bit more substantial - take for example my first post on the BNP in Carlisle. What I've never attempted to be here is a 'serious blogger' - I neither have the time, inclination or skills to become the next 'Guido Fawkes'. However, I do enjoy sitting down and typing what I think. One thing is clear to me - next year, if I teach AS level politics again, I'm going to set up a blogging community for my pupils. This will take debate out of the classroom in into pupils bedrooms and, to use teacher-y jargon 'extend their learning in an out of classroom context.' Nice; anway enough self congratulation..

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